The Large Sketchbooks

All pages, 90lb. paper,  60x48 inches. Installed book measures approximately 6x4x2 ft., wire, paint, foam. 
Above and following details, "Ads of the Times"

Taken from the iconic photograph of an Occupy protester being pepper-sprayed.
Here the police helmets carry an acronym of a corporation instead of a number. 

Installed at The Brucennial 2012 and featured on artnet.

Writers often describe things we don't have a visual reference for. This piece gives
my impression of what the watercolor described by Flannery O'Connor would look 

"After the Chauvet Caves Graffiti Removal", paint, charcoal on paper

Before Graffiti Removal from Chauvet Cave (news photograph)

"C Abstraction", zero voc house paint on paper

"Conspiracy Theories", collage, paint and ink, on paper

"Salome", charcoal on paper