Blue Poles paint, collage, transfers, assemblage on canvas, 68x58 inches more

Dallas Robot: Reboot 2.0 60x40x24 inches, books, canned and dry goods, graduation cap,
electric guitar with amplifier, "NYPD vs Eric Garner" painting, foam, metal, paint

Above, Border Crossing. Clockwise form top: board game, Dreamer blanket,
center and bottom left, Milagros game pieces, game board table.
center and bottom left, Milagros game pieces, game board table.

Ghost of Future Present installation with details from performance at
The Climate Change Awards,Taipei Cultural Center, NYC. 11x14 ft, charcoal, discarded
cardboard, paint, information kiosk and 3D plaster and assemblage element.
cardboard, paint, information kiosk and 3D plaster and assemblage element.
Village Drones installation, SpectreArts, Durham, NC more

Felt Real from digital_detritus,
Polycolor on discarded paper,
11.75x16 inches more

Tracing Community
audience participation piece, HereArt
New York, NY more

Acrylic paint and gesso on shaped cardboard with wood cradle
Eureka 28.5x57 in (details) Get Back to Where You Once Belonged 21x59.5 in
I Remember When the Sun Broke 36x32x2 in